Distance from USA

North Carolina to Virginia distance

The driving distance or the travel distance from North Carolina to Virginia is 152.3 Miles. The straight line distance from North Carolina to Virginia is 117.5 Miles. The kilometer based traveling distance is 245.124 KM and the KM based straight line distance is 189.1 KM.

North Carolina location and Virginia location

North Carolina is located at the latitude of 35.755432 and the longitude of -79.01365190000001. North Carolina is situated at the latitude of 37.4313138 and the longitude of -78.65603090000002. The traveling source point address is North Carolina, USA. The destination travel point address is Virginia, USA.

North Carolina to Virginia travel time

The travel time between North Carolina and Virginia is 2.87 hours. We assumed that you are traveling at the speed of 60km per hour from North Carolina to Virginia. The given travel time between North Carolina to Virginia may vary based on the travel route, speed and consistent traveling.

North Carolina location and Virginia fuel cost

The Fuel cost( Gas cost , Petrol cost) to travel from North Carolina location to Virginia is 20.43 USD. The given fuel cost may vary based on the fuel consumption of your vehicle and varying price of the fuel. ;

North Carolina travel distance calculator

You are welcome to find the travel distance calculation from north_carolina You are viewing the page distance from north carolina to virginia. This page may provide answer for the following queries. what is the distance between North Carolina to Virginia ?. How far is North Carolina from Virginia ?. How many kilometers between North Carolina and Virginia ?. What is the travel time between North Carolina and Virginia. How long will it take to reach Virginia from North Carolina?. What is the geographical coordinates of North Carolina and Virginia?. The given driving distance from Virginia to North Carolina may vary based on various route.